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Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio

The Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society was founded in October of 1974,
with the purpose of uniting the Amateurs in Southeastern Arizona and
Southwestern New Mexico into a working group that would promote amateur radio in
the region.
The approximately 25 charter members were from three counties in Arizona and one
county in New Mexico.
Currently the club operates several repeater stations from Heliograph Peak.
Heliograph is located south of Safford, Arizona at an elevation of 10,028 amsl.
146.90 PL 141.3 is the original repeater sponsored by EAARS. We also have a UHF
repeater on 447.825 PL 141.3 and 100.0. These repeaters are not tied into the
EAARS network. Click below link for information regarding the EAARS Network
system of linked repeaters.
Also on Heliograph Peak, there is a APRS radio on 144.39,the National APRS
Also operating on Heliograph are the 146.86 & 440.700 repeaters, hub for the EAARS
Network of linked repeaters, both have a PL of 141.3 Hz
Visitors to the area are welcome to use the open repeaters.

K7EAR 10-10 Club Participation

Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 398
Solomon, AZ 85551