EAARS Club News & Information
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Announcing the winner of the 2023 EAARS membership campaign. It is Robert, W7RLT of Tucson. He is the winner of the Ham Radio Outlet gift certificate. We will do this again towards the end of this year. Many thanks to all that participated and supported the effort.

The 2023 EAARS picnic at Discovery Park is now history. We had approximtely 55 members attending. Dennis KE7KRE, and Joe K7JEM were the ones cooking the steaks on the grill. We plan on doing this picnic again during September of 2024.

The next EAARS meeting will be on July 16th, 2024 at the Search & Rescue building in Thatcher, AZ Meeting will be preceeded by a light meal starting at 6:30 pm. Hope to see some of you then.

A note to those desiring to listen/monitor EAARS when away from a radio. Just go to EAARS main page and "Click here to listen to live EAARS repeater audio. Its delayed about 25 seconds on the internet. Enjoy.

It appears the mapping situation of our EAARS link site is working for most users now. Hope it continues.

The club has had several inquires as to a BADGE with the EAARS name for members. We have contacted a dealer in Tucson that has come up with two sample designs and prices. For those interested in obtaining an EAARS badge please go to the following LINK and follow the directions:

EAARS Badges

The club is in no way benefiting from this. It's between you and the vendor. The club is only providing the information and link.

The IRLP/Echolink system continues to work quite well on the EAARS network. There is a guideline on the main page describing how to operate it.

Copies of EAARS newsletters are available on line. See main page for link, or www.eaars.com/newsletter

See main page for link to bulk 7QP photos, and other general interest photos. This is a work in progress.

Again, anyone wishing to place any EAARS related news of interest on this page, please send Larry N5BG an email with your request.

Updated as of May, 2024

Send E-Mail to: N5BG to have news placed here.

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