General Interest Photos of EAARS

Below you will find some general interest photos of the EAARS repeater sites, and club activities. The contents of this page may change from time to time. Hope you enjoy browsing through some of these photos. If you have some photos that you would like to share with EAARS, please contact Larry N5BG. Enjoy.

The first two photos were added after the Wallow fire. You can see what the site looked like before and after the fire. We were blessed that the building survived. It appears that the only damage was shorted/melted coaxial cables.

Repeater site South Mtn. Alpine after Wallow fire.Milt N5IA, working on fire damaged cables

View of South Mtn repeater bldg. after fire. Amazing it's still standing

Milt N5IA installs 145.27 Antenna

Another view of Repeater Building

Alpine 145.27 Repeater system

Alpine Repeater Building

Larry N5BG & Craig KD7TXO finishing up last of paint can

Looking over Alpine, AZ from South Mtn. repeater site

Mule Mtn 147.08 Rptr, Duplexer cabinet, & link radio to Heliograph.

Mule Mountain Tower and 147.08 antenna system.

Milt N5IA installs 20 Mtr beam atop 60 ft tower with crane help .

SSB Towers and EAARS communications bus for 7QP contest

Milt N5IA operating one of the CW positions 7QP .

N5XNF operating one of 7QP SSB positions.

Field Day 2010 Cluff Pond Relaxing

Dave, N7AM operating FD 2010 Digital mode

Heliograph site, Finishing up Construction.

Heliograph New Tower, Awaiting antennas in springtime

Jacks Peak. View of 145.21, 145.25 IRLP, and Mega Link systems.

Panoramic view of Jacks Peak New Mexico.

Lon K7LON and Dave WB7ONJ chopping weeds at Pinal Peak..

Wendell N7VQG rakes weeds at Pinal comm site. .

Pinal Peak 145.41 Building front view.

Another view of the Pinal site..

Heliograph site, EAARS Kenwood repeaters on left.

Heliograph Forest Service Lookout Tower

Milt N5IA, preparing to climb Mt. Lemmon tower.

147.16 Repeater on Mt. Lemmon.

Milt N5IA repairing transmission line at 147.16 Rptr Mt. Lemmon.

Milt says "Do I have to climb this?"

Milt N5IA installs 2mtr antenna at Greens Peak

Tower & antennas at Greens Peak

Milt works on link antenna at Greens Peak

Duplexer Rack and Kenwood Rptr Greens 146.70

Green Peak view from below .

Greens Peak view from amongst towers

Joe K7JEM makes final adjustments for Link to Greens Peak

Equipment needed to link to Greens Peak
Sample of EAARS general interest photos, Please contribute photos to our club page

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